What are the best paying side hustles?

Do you want to make extra income? If yes, I would recommend that you learn a skill today. You can offer your skill to anyone today anywhere in the world and get rid of your 7-5 jobs. Jobs you can do to earn side income Web design/development Graphic design Content...

What does <“br”> means in Html?

<br> is a break tag in html for breaking paragraphs, sentences into a new line. for example, <p>Welcome to meevic blog, <br> where you get all answers to questions</p> If you watch carefully above, you will notice that <br> tag is added after the “welcome to meevic blog” that means...

What are the possible monetization methods for blog?

Every blog owners wants to make money from their blog. There are several possible ways to make good money off a blog. Ad spaces using google Adsense Affiliate Marketing Selling Physical or digital products Render services (web design service, music upload services & digital marketing services). Sell E-books Offer sponsored...

Is Html or Css a Programming Language?

Html is a programming language, it is used in almost all websites to build the foundation. Css is a styling, used to add styles to html for beautification. Furthermore, Html is a programming language while css is a styling

How do i link a css code with Html?

In order to link your css to your html file, you should understand that there are three ways which you can add css to html. External Css Internal Css Inline Css External css: you need to locate the header document of the html. Search for the head tag <head></head>. In between...

What is the difference between HTML and CSS

The difference between HTML and CSS is quite simple and understandable. Html is an hypertext markup language used in building up web pages while Css gives the web page a better look. Both serves like a building without sizes, colors, margin and all styling which is the HTML While CSS is...

Where can i find the best flyer for my business

In order to create a unique flyer for your small or large scale business, you will need the help of a graphic designer. Graphic designer is a trained individual that learns about visual design and color combinations to create amazing business identities such as logos, flyers, banners and more. In...

What’s a blog address or url?

A blog address or uniform resource locator also known as URL is a unique address of a web page from a domain. To access the url of a website you need to type in the domain name with the domain extensions coming after it. For example, I want to visit...

How much does a freelance web developer charge per hour in Usd?

As a freelance web developer, it depends on different circumstances when determining charges for your services. The amount a junior web developer will charge for a project will be different from what a senior web developer will charge and also Programming languages is also another factor that determines charges. You...

What are the steps to investigate a business address

To find a perfect location for your business you have to consider some factors. Nearness to raw materials Good road network Distance between the industry location to the market Location should be visible on google map for people to navigate through Zero to no violence issues in the community

What annoys you most as a business owner

The most annoying part of being a business is No profit. Whereby you’ve spent a whole lot of money to build up the business to a certain  stage and it’s now time to milk the profits you then notice you haven’t meet your target. That is so frustrating and traumatizing...

Jowie Irungu Biography, Age, Story, Photos & Net Worth

Joseph Irungu also known as Jowie Irungu is a kenyan citizen, born 1981 in Nakuru, Kenya to both parents Joseph Irungu and Margaret Wangechi Irungu. He is the second child of his parent. Jowie Irungu Biography Second child of Mr Joseph Irungu and Margaret Wangechi Irungu, born 1981 in Nakuru,...